Thursday, October 7, 2010

a gentle answer...

we're on a playdate at the park; us three, four friends, and one furry companion. on the walk back we stop off at their place. my girl-love asks for a privilege and a responsibility. i grant her request...

an hour later it is discovered that it was too much, things did not go as they should have. i take a deep breath  (thank you, Holy Spirit), then another. i respond, gently (His grace). it is received well. 

another hour passes and the boy-love is looking for his sister. he seeks, he finds. 
there are tears from my girl-love. we talk. we talk of her Father's unconditional love. of His forgiveness. of mommy's love and forgiveness too. there is peace.

i am thankful. there was a time ((perhaps yesterday)) when i may have responded less lovingly, less gentle. but this day, because of Him, in Him, i responded with a gentle answer. praise Him, a gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger (Proverbs 15:1).

Father God. Abba. thank you for a gentle answer.

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  1. What a gift to give your girl! Very sweet. What a mama you got to be in that moment!

  2. It can be so hard to remember to be gentle and discerning in those tough parenting moments. Thankful that we are Spirit-led!

  3. I can feel your fear and your relief. Praise God all is well, both physically and in your hearts.

  4. gentleness, it's what i pray for daily as a mama.. give me gentleness lord... this is great, so glad you followed His leading, oh what a difference it makes.

  5. What a moment it was. Somehow in the excitement of all our shared words last night, I think I forgot to tell you how you were my hero as I pictured your gentle counsel to our sweet girl.... so gentle and so pointedly true all at the same time. The truth spoken in love in the finest way.

    I love you dear one.


  6. smiles. so easy to miss these teachable moments...good job grabbing hold of it...

  7. A gentle answer is a gift indeed, one which I wish I'd asked for more often. Learning, ever learning. Thanks for stopping by my place with your kind words. Blessings.

  8. this made my heart swell big. how tender your heart. how beautiful your way with your children. and i loved ((perhaps yesterday)) because we've all been there. and we will be again. but his grace is sufficient. a gorgeous link, friend. xo

  9. this was just wonderful,
    true ,
    and wonderful

  10. God's timing is always perfect...isn't it? Just love this is truly inspirational. :-)

  11. this is just beautiful! from how you told the story, to the message itself, of gentle words in stressful times but not because you are supermommy, but because of Christ inside. this post inspires me after a rough mommy day yesterday to take a deep breath, and keep on going. thank you. :)

  12. so glad you lived out who He is to you for your princess! You're beautiful and you inspire me!
    L&P - kim
