Monday, March 7, 2011

Multitude Monday

i am thankful that i have found myself short on time here because time with my family has been long

i am thankful for Love and the love that flows because of Him

i am thankful for family and for friends and friends who are family and for my family of adoption, as we cry out, "Abba, Father"

i am thankful that this week has been full of wonderful moments and not so wonderful moments, which i am still learning i can give thanks through them all

i am thankful that here, in this counting i am drawn closer to the Giver of all gifts

i am forever greatful and forever counting - - and as i have heard the Sacred echo here, there, and everywhere:  gratitude leads us to Grace


  1. T - love that family time has been long! Your list is full of His love and grace! Thank you for sharing. I must tell you that I was starting the rush of my crazy day at work and took a moment. Your list overflows with His love, grace and peace! Simply breathtaking! You rock, sister!

  2. This:
    i am thankful that i have found myself short on time here because time with my family has been long

    and this:
    i am thankful that this week has been full of wonderful moments and not so wonderful moments, which i am still learning i can give thanks through them all

    that second can be so hard, can't it? The hard eucharisteo? I am glad you had much family time, I am so glad for you that they keep you busy (the BEST kind of busy!) as they do... what a blessing, what a gift... your family for you.
    I love you dear one!
