Thursday, March 3, 2011

when, why, how, where

my husband used to call me tigger. he said i bounced. among my temporal, earthly treasures i still have the small statue of tigger he gifted me those many years ago.

i appreciate it more in this moment than i ever have... tigger's hand is open, as is mine - in praise of my Father and open to receive and pass on each of His gifts.

my in-laws used to call me hyperactive, said i was full of energy - all of the time. and
i used to laugh more (without having to remember that i want to laugh more).

when did i change? why? how did it happen? where did she go? i miss that bouncy, energetic, hyperactive, laughing me.

i am me. i am who i am, by His grace. praise Him.

i'm not self loathing, nor am i discontent - maybe just a little disappointed because i really do miss that bouncy, energetic, hyperactive, laughing me...

linking with Emily


  1. smiles. i can never sit still...i tend to bounce and dance...and when the music starts at church all the more so but even in the quiet moments when no one else can hear it...

    and i think you can find it again...smiles.

  2. Aging? Just kidding...sort of. I know I used to be a lot more energetic. I'm still 25 in my head, but my body says otherwise. :/ Thanks again for your kind words. I left you a message on my post.

  3. oh friend, i know.... i was mourning this about myself this week. life suddenly seems so grown-up... let's make moments, this coming week, for being silly and child-like and "tigger" again :) love to you.

  4. Oh I so know that feeling! I feel like it can come back, though... in my case I feel like it's a question of resting the soul for a bit. I hope so, and that you get it back just at the right time!

  5. Yes, my friend... another sacred echo of sorts... who knew?!

    We can get caught up in the quotidian and miss the wonder.... think of Ann and the flapping apron!

    Your apron can flap too my friend! Maybe it's time for us to forget to brush our hair and forget to put on our shoes and forget that our clothes are supposed to match. At the risk of sounding blasphemous, perhaps we can be guilty of taking ourselves a bit too seriously?

    Look at the children... oh how they resemble the lilies of the field, yes?

    I love you!

  6. I can't wait to read about Ann and the flapping apron!!

    Look at the children... oh how they resemble the lilies of the field, yes?

    Yes! a resounding yes my friend. the lessons learned in the simple beauty of our children :)

    I love you!

  7. Jodi - yes, aging probably has something to do with the bounce :}

    Emily - let's make moments, this coming week, for being silly and child-like and "tigger" again yes, let's :]

  8. The very best thing about Tiggers is that God created each and every one!

  9. Bouncy, bouncy, bouncy, bouncy, bouncy, fun, fun, fun.

    Couldn't resist. :)

    My pastor taught about stewarding health today and one of the points was that having fun is healthy. I'm gonna hike tomorrow. I get tired of serious too, but I seem to land there alot lately.

  10. Tigger ---- I just love it --- open hand and all! You know, I'm not bouncy either and I regret that. Years ago, I was asked the question, "What is the very first thing you can remember in your life that brought you pain -- physical, mental, or emotional --- and what did you learn from it?" There was a group of us there, and it was stunning to hear the answers. Most of us learned that awful art of protection --- putting on more layers, building more walls, carrying more keys to the locks we put on our doors. And with it all, we lost our Tigger's bounce!!!! It's hard to unclench our fists if our past has taught us that we will get it slapped. Loved your decision to go looking for Tigger within you and let him out again! Our Pastor talked about the word joy in the book of James as being "jumping up and down joy" in the original. So go for it. It's Biblical!!!
